About US

I’m Atul Jadhav, Design Phactory is my Identity. I’m Indian photographer based in Pune. I have been working since 2017. I specialize in Maquillage Look Photography but equally good at Wedding, Pre-Wedding as well as Other Events Photography. My team always work for Passion and not for Profession.Taking pictures has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. One of my favorite parts of my job is you:the people I get to meet and work with. It is such an honor to be asked to capture important moments in people’s lives.
I have always been a creative. When I was in middle school I asked my begetter for a shoot camera so that I could take pictures with my friends,and never know it became my passion near to my heart. I was lucky enough to meet one of the most amazing teacher who opened my eyes to world of art and design; this would alter the path of my life in more ways than I could ever imagine. Now creating images has became my constant passion and interest. My work is an obsession, so every day and every shoot is an opportunity to continuously learn and to further develop my work discovering more about myself.

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